If you are feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated, try this pranayama practice.
Alternate nostril breathing, also known in Sanskrit as nadi shodhana or aulom vilom pranayama (2 variations on this breathing technique) involves inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other nostril in a specific pattern. You may choose to retain or hold the breath on the inhale for a brief period of time before exhaling and continuing the technique.

Nadi shodhana/aulom vilom pranyama is one of my favorite practices for calming anxiety and feeling more grounded and present because it balances the energy and breath in the body.
Nadī refers to the energy that circulates throughout your body, while Shodhana refers to purifying or cleansing. Nadī Shodhana is said to help clear your energy channels and bring about inner balance.
Most people do not breathe equally from both nostrils due to this process of the automatic nervous system called the nasal cycle. This is an alternating shift of air moving through the nostrils. About every 2 hours, one nostril is more open than the other. So the practice of nadi shodhana equalizes the movement of air in the nostrils and synchronizes the brain waves which leads to a more balanced nervous system. This is why people experience a feeling of calm or relaxed focus.
Here are some other potential health benefits:
Improve respiratory function (more oxygen to the lungs and brain)
Improve cardiovascular health (more blood flow makes your heart happy)
Decrease stress and anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system
Increase attention, focus, mindfulness
Controlling, channeling, and balancing the energy-bodies
Watch the video below to practice Nadi Shodhana/Aulom Vilom Pranayama.
Try it out and let me know how it goes!