I have a love/hate relationship with the gym. I’ll go consistently for a few weeks, but if I skip even one day, it might be another month before I start again!
It’s not that I hate lifting weights. I actually enjoy feeling stronger and targeting specific muscles. But I just don’t feel like I belong at the gym. I never quite “fit in” or feel comfortable staying in the zone.
But when it comes to yoga? It’s different. That got me thinking… Why doesn’t the gym feel the same?
When I get out of bed in the morning, I WANT to move my body.
I WANT to mobilize my joints and stretch my muscles and tend to any areas of tension.
I WANT to tune into my breath and calm my mind.
I WANT to feel the flow of energy in my body.
I WANT to experience the push and pull of physical challenge and balance.
I don’t have that experience working out at the gym. That’s not to say that there are no benefits to strength training (nor will I quit entirely).
If you are looking to achieve significant targeted muscle growth or increase overall strength in a short amount of time, strength training might be the right thing for you.
But if you’re just looking for a practice to keep you strong and healthy, you don’t have to feel guilty about not wanting to go to the gym - yoga is more than enough.
And if you love strength training and are dedicated to it, yoga is the perfect way to increase your gains.
Here’s why:
Yoga can increase your physical strength through bodyweight toning and conditioning.
Holding poses can challenge and improve your endurance.
Yoga builds flexibility (lengthening muscles) and mobility (range of motion at the joint) which keeps muscles from getting stiff and tight when lifting weights.
Improve balance and posture through awareness which will help proper form for weight lifting.
Yoga’s focus on deep, slow breathing regulates the nervous system which helps the body recover faster.
It’ll train you to do better, controlled breathing during workouts.
Practicing yoga can decrease risk of injury by protecting joints and developing more awareness and mindfulness.
And if strength training is not your thing, Yoga still offers all the same benefits and complements other forms of exercise! Yoga benefits the whole person- mind, body, and soul.
So yes, I’ll be back at the gym tomorrow. But right now, I’m rolling out my mat.